Easy to follow
keto pumpkin cheesecake recipe
everyone will love!
Here are the macros for 1/8th of this Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake
502 calories
42g fat
12.25 total carbs
7g fiber
5.25 net carbs
14g protein
I was expecting something of a light and airy cheesecake when I took it out of the oven, this is THICK, and DENSE.
I absolutely love it. if you decide to make this recipe, let me know how it comes out for you! I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Keto Pumkin Cheesecake Keto Recipe – Watch Here
The first is The crust, the second is the filling.
Even for cortex, you’re gonna need one of These guys, or something similar.
If you have a plate of pie glass or porcelain Pie plate, that works fine. I’m gonna use this Chibi tin cake I got from a grocery store. Even for crust, you’re gonna need A cup of coconut flour, four big eggs, and some liquid stevia (or about my wife’s calls So, “Little Stevie Wonder”), a quarter cup of coconut oil – we’re gonna melt This is down so that it is in liquid form – and vanilla extract. What was It will combine these elements into a mixing bowl and stir, and this will work Form our crust. First – let’s just get that part of the road and melt around A quarter cup of coconut oil. get out of over there. And we’ll put that right in the microwave. [PewPewPew] So we melted it with us Coconut oil, we have about a quarter cup, and because we add the wet ingredients to dry, We’re going to start from our coconut flour. We need a cup. It’s gonna go right In our mixing bowl. The bowl looks very red in the camera. It is very red.
There is about a cup. And because we have Our coconut oil has already gotten constantly melted, and we’re just gonna add our rest Moist ingredients directly into coconut oil, and then we’ll combine everything. So the first thing we’re gonna add to our coconut oil is a teaspoon of Liquid stevia. I even chose this on amazon. It’s sweet liquid stevia leaf. I will put Link in the description. It got a little dropper. Very good smell! Next we are Gonna add some vanilla extract.
The recipe calls for a tablespoon, but we are Too low on this.
We’ll see if we have a tablespoon to throw in. If not, We’ll just throw in what we have. Yes, we are a little short on vanilla Extract, but I’m sure it will be fine.
Dump in there. Next we will Four eggs. (Crack / blop x4)
Then let’s whisk everything up. Go for it, Caroline. All right, you just want to drink that? No! Well, I think that’s probably good. Why not dump it in We have a mixture here.
This will become your crust. OK! Okay, so here we have the crust mixture.
We’re just gonna put this on our pie Tin (this is a lot of crust). I’m gonna use a little bit of parchment paper just for kind of a tamp This down, easy to get joined to the sides of the cake tin.
So this is our cortex, And it’s gonna go to the oven, which is set to 350 ° C, for 10 to 12 minutes.
All right, while our crust started baking, we are Work on filling can begin. If you do not have a mixer, you can just put it These things together, all of them whisk up.
I’m going to use a bowl that comes up With my kitchenaid mixer, so it will make things a little easier.
You have to start Lay three eggs in a mixing bowl.
We will extend this whisk, just to get out So yolk before I put it on a mixer.
Just break these up a little Little. We have the egg mixture and we’re going to add 16 ounces of mascarpone cheese. this is What looks like 16 ounces, so we’re just going to empty that whole thing over there, baby. Protective seal! Oh yeah, uh– oh boy! Next we’re going to add four ounces of cheese.
This is an eight-ounce bar Even half of this bar. And remember, this was sitting outside.
That was sitting Than for about an hour now, so it’s … it’s at room temperature. I think it makes Difference. If you put it in a cooler, your consistency will become … whack. Just like Martha Stewart was saying.
Well, next, Caroline is being put in two A teaspoon of liquid stevia. Let’s call that one. This will do it.
This sound means we have a crust that needs to come out! So it does not look too much Different.
It smells so good! We’re gonna leave the oven … pause, but we’re gonna leave the oven on 350 degrees, because this is the same temperature that we’re going to bake our cheese.
A few more Ingredients left to add to our mixture.
One of them is a quarter of a teaspoon of salt. Look at you! Good, dump that in there.
We need two spoons of pumpkin pie Spices. perfect.
That smells so good! Aaand dump.
We have the ingredients for the past before we blend this Everything is 100% pure pumpkin. NOT pumpkin pie filling. 100% pure pumpkin.
A can About 15 ounces, this is what this recipe calls for. So it can be entire Enters! Old school.
I may need a spoon to get this here. Oh, and there comes. All right, so here is our mix.
This will be our fill. We are gonna Bring this right over to our mixer and put it on the drop.
This looks like a gigantic packing. Even here We have a mixture. Time to put it in the Earth’s crust.
They look very chunky. There are some Bits of mascarpone cheese that didn’t get full … included? But I think this will become Fine. you know what? If we transcend, we transcend.
So we have heaping Pumpkin Pie Cheese pie, ready to go. I am a little worried We heaped at this point, and any hike going on is going to Overflowing on the sides, but do you know why? There are the worst things that can happen. So let’s put it in.
This applies in an hour. All right, so I am We will check again in one hour, and at this point, we will turn off the heat, and open The oven door, and let it sit for another half an hour before we put it in Overnight refrigerator.